Cape Breton Highlands Golf Club Society

2008 Annual Meeting

January 25, 2009

St. Johns Hall Ingonish


The meeting was preceded by a presentation by Graham Hudson, course manager.  He discussed the tree trimming efforts undertaken over the fall period.  Hopes that the funding will be in place for this to continue in the spring, along with the cutting along the Keltic Road.  He discussed some maintenance plans which includes maintenance of the tees, cart paths hopefully paved if the funding comes thru for the paving of the Cabot Trail and some of the drainage issues.


He advised that the numbers for 2008 were down approximately 25% from 2007, owing mainly to such a wet August, but other months weren’t all that great either weather wise.  He advises that there will be no rate increase for seasons pass holders in 2009.


1. Annual Report of Directors

    Gord Rideout gave a brief overview of the 2008 season


2.  Financial Report

     Ervin Robertson tabled the 2008 financial report which basically showed us as           breaking even for the year.  Tournament fees were discussed and it is felt that with some exceptions entry fees have to go up.  Moved by Gord Rideout to accept Financial Statement as read, seconded by Mary Ann McCormick.


3.  Appointment of Auditor

     Gerard Aucoin has agreed to act in this capacity for this year.


4.  Junior Report

     Grant Hatcher supplied us with a summary of the year and it certainly appeared that the kids had a good year.  They were entered in tournaments at various clubs on the Island and performed admirably.  The only issue raised regarding Junior Golf also surfaced in discussions with the Financial Report.  Considerable amount of money was paid out for gas expenses for driving kids to tournaments.  It was the opinion of those present that the Club would pay gas expenses for the co-ordinator as this was part of his employment.  However, the entry fees are paid by the Club for the kids to enter tournaments and therefore we felt that it is not our responsibility to pay for the gas to get the kids to these tournaments.  In future, gas will only be paid for Junior Co-Ordinator or his representative.  Grant will not be returning as Co-Ordinator this year but has expressed a willingness to help with the program in any way necessary.  We will be applying for the grant again and looking for a co-ordinator for 2009 season.







2008 Annual Meeting  (cont’d)



5.  Election of Officers

     Following members have agreed to serve another term:  Gord Rideout, Michael Scott, Ervin Robertson, John Ashton, Barry MacDonald, Terry Grant, Earl Tubrett. 

Addendum:  Jill Humphries, Ruth McGlagan, Gary Rideout, Roger Hardy have agreed to serve on the Executive


6.  Open Forum

      a. Club has decided to provide recognition for the Senior golfer posting the best gross score during the Club Championship.  Eligible members would be 55 years of age and older.

      b. Fathers Day Tournament will be increasing the field due to Graham Hudson closing the course for that weekend to the public.  There will be no green fee play on that  weekend.

      c. This year there will be a Junior Invitational held at Highlands Links on July 8.  Maxine Hardy has agreed to look after this venture with assistance from Michael Scott and Grant Hatcher. 

      d.  Last year we held a summer Club meeting and it was very poorly attended.  The purpose was to give people a chance to come and find out what was happening in the Club and to express their concerns.  This is the second time this has been tried and met with the same lack of participation so it will not be done this year.

      e.  Web site maintenance will be taken over by John Ashton.  Thanks to Jody Stockley for his assistance with the web site maintenance.



Meeting adjourned  @ 15:30 hrs.